We don’t just buy and sell businesses,
we can help them to grow too!
Whether your business is large or small, whether you are in manufacturing, services, or any other type of business, we want to help your business to thrive and succeed!
Yes, we broker commercial business sales, but what we truly do goes way beyond that! When businesses thrive, all the stakeholders benefit. Sometimes that means helping your business to grow, or sometimes that means priming your business for sale to a motivated investor that will take your legacy forward while you run off into the sunset with a well derived payout for all your hard work building the business.
Whatever sector you are in, we are on hand and ready to help you grow, buy, sell, or all three!

Getting You More Value When You Sell Your Business!
Has the thought ‘If I were to sell my business, how much would it be worth’ ever crossed your mind then why don’t you find out for free?
We help businesses of all shapes and sizes, from one man bands to global enterprises, to sell for the best price possible. If you ever find yourself thinking, “how do I sell my business" we have you covered.
When you’re wondering how much your business is worth, you may be tempted to ask your accountant. The thing is, they know the numbers but they do not know the market for buying and selling businesses, and they may not know how to maximise the amount for which your business sells. We do!

Helping You Find The Perfect Business To Invest In.
Have you ever thought about buying a business? If you have your next thought might have been ‘but how do I go about buying a business?’ If you were looking for a new home you’d go to Right Move, but where do you go if you want to buy a business?
Well, you come to us, because not only will we help you find the perfect investment for you, we’ll also be there to support you to ensure your investment grows. That’s what makes us different to other commercial business brokers. We are here for you, and we’re here for the long haul if you need us.

Expert Guidance
As the owner of a business, or the as the person in charge of a business, you are in a unique situation. You have the opportunity to guide the business towards success, but you also have the added weight of responsibility for the jobs of your colleagues and employees.
We appreciate that when you’re at the top you can be pulled in all directions. You can count on us to see things clearly at all times. We are on your side. In whatever way you need us we are there, to help you grow, to help you sell, to help you!
So yes, we buy and sell businesses North East, but we also have the talent, network, skills and experience to do so much more.
Whether your business is large or small, whether you are in manufacturing, services, or any other type of business, we want to help your business to thrive and succeed!

We cover pretty much the entire spectrum when it comes to business types. From manufacturing to call centres, distribution to retail, gyms to hospitality, creative industries to exporters we can help.
No matter what sector your business falls into, or wherever you are based, we’d love to hear from you so please get in touch to find out more.